Are you accepting mobile payments for your business yet? Check out the amount that was forecast for the year 2016. In actuality, consumers spent just over $27 billion by paying with their phones. Big numbers, but not quite what the experts guessed on this one!
Archives for December 2016
Phishing is still one of the top ways for hackers to hurt your business
What small thing could add up to big savings for your business?
When SkyMall magazines disappeared from your airplane’s seat pocket, one airline saved around $350k in fuel costs! What small thing could add up to big savings for you business? Try out our IT Assessment and see!
Man’s biggest inventions – plane, car, PC – say “little about his intelligence” but “volumes about his laziness.” Mark Kennedy
Is your SMB’s free cloud storage safe from human error?!
Your free cloud-storage may have excellent security, but your data might easily be hacked. How? Through a spear phishing attack aimed at your own people. Read how human error is the biggest concern for SMBs and cloud storage security.
Time to promote your work from home policy. Because flu season!
Flu season is here and we think it’s time to promote your work from home abilities to your folks. Because the majority of Americans STILL work when they’re sick! Keep those germs home.